Our Vision

Together we inspire curious, kind, and courageous life-long learners who are equally prepared to listen and lead.

Our Mission

People, like trees, grow in two directions: we deepen our roots to understand our true selves while we extend our branches to enrich our surroundings.

At Spruce we nurture both directions of growth. We believe safe environments, caring relationships, and joyful engagement are the soil, water, and sun of education.

Our Promise

Our students leave Spruce Community School (SCS) with the ability to make any choice about their future because they have the academic and social skills to pursue their dreams.

Our Values

  • Curious

    We explore each day as if it’s our first, honoring childhood with a sense of awe and wonder. 

  • Kind

    We believe our attitudes and actions are contagious when we see the best in each person.  

  • Courageous

    We listen to our hearts and do what we believe is right, even in the face of fear.